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elite property rockhampton


elite property management

The Elite Engine: November 9 2020

Notes from our Principal

It’s been such a social week with plenty going on with our Team and office. Sadly we had to say good-bye to Brooke Hatchman who finished up last week on maternity leave. We are looking forward to the announcement of their sec- ond child (a girl!)

The boss decided to spoil the ladies this week and took them to lunch over Melbourne Cup! Was a good opportunity to dress up and connect with some other local professionals.

We currently have zero properties vacant yet again and desperately looking for rental properties to assist our pre-approved clients.

Last week we had a great result with renting one of the properties in Zilzie $150pw higher than what had been achieving!

We’ve been starting to shoot some video tips for both our tenants and our Landlords. Don’t forget to follow our social media platforms on Instagram, Facebook, or Linked In, to receive further updates, insights and market information. We would also love to hear from you if there is further ways we can improve our service to you. We love to assist wherever we can!



5 Minutes with...

Brennan Hurley [Hurley Plumbing]

1. How long have you owed Hurley?

6 Years.

2. What’s your highlight of the journey? Working for myself.

3. Funniest moment?

The council was clearing a drain in an area I was working. I watched a toilet explode on a client whilst he was in a toilet room explaining what was happening.

4. Most frustrating part of the job?

Dealing with tenants who don’t turn up after agreeing to a time. Or, not returning calls to begin with.

5. Why Plumbing?

The variety of jobs you get to do—There is always something different and I like the problem solving behind the jobs.


Vacancy Rate:



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